Undoubtedly, you have had patients who needed services, but required medical financing to pay for these services. You are in the business of helping people with their health. When they can’t pay for the services they need, you aren’t able to help them and you lose their business. TGUC Financial helps both you and your customer by offering patient financial services. You can grow your business by not losing theirs. And they can benefit by getting the services they need. TGUC Financial offers you the ability to provide patient financing to everyone, covering a full range of credit situations, so you never have to turn anyone away from what they need. There is a huge hole in the market as 36% of people have credit scores lower than 680 which prevents them from being eligible for traditional medical financing programs. You can fill this gap and grow your business by offering them patient financing from us.

When you partner with TGUC Financial, you can offer a quick and easy application process for your patients and then provide them with the services they need. And you receive immediate payment for services rendered. This patient financial service comes at no cost to you and simple, low-interest plans for your patients. In addition to growing your business by increasing your customer base, depending on the medical financing plan, you can also earn extra income from the interest that the customer is paying.

Partnering with us also reduces your collection rate. If you have offered payment options to patients in the past, you have probably had to deal with collecting late payments from them. Collections are certainly not an enjoyable office task, nor is it an easy task to deal with the process of collecting from those who can’t pay. It is also a time-consuming process that costs your practice money. 

Now, you don’t have to let your patients walk out the door. You can keep them healthy by providing them with the patient financing services they need while you are able to tap into an entirely new customer base and grow your business. You are also beating out the competition because you are offering a form of medical financing that others aren’t.  Thus, you are giving  your patients another reason to come to you. By being able to serve this untapped customer base, you are also increasing your growth via referrals. The more people you can serve, the more people your patients can tell about the comprehensive services you offer.

How TGUC Financial Benefits You:

  • Grow your business
    • Offer patient financing services to those who can’t afford to pay out of pocket
    • You no longer lose business
    • Increase Referrals
    • You are able to help patients who need it
    • Make extra income from interest payments
  • Save money and time by reducing your collection rate
  • Offering patient financing services is at no cost to you
  • Patients are more likely to return to you in the future

How TGUC Financial Benefits Your Patients:

  • Patients can get the services they need
  • Patients are healthier
  • Save money on low-interest financing

With all of the benefits to you and your patients, there is no reason to wait. Partner with us today.  TGUC can provide patient financing services, so you can provide the services that your patient needs.